Sunday 7 July 2019

Chapter-3 - Forces


In physics forces can be described as push and pull which changes the object in motion, In strength of material forces can be surface forces when distributed over area of surface and body forces when distributed over volume of the body.

Surface Forces - these are distributed over the area of body e.g.- Pully

Body Forces - these are distributed over the volume of body e.g.-Shaft

Sunday 16 June 2019

Chapter-2-Factor of safety (FOF)

Factor of safety (FOF)

Factor of safety:-

Factor of safety is used to determine.
  1. Permissible Stress 
  2. Allowable Stress
  3. Safe Stress
  4. Working Stress 

Failure Strength:-

For Static Load ;

Yield Strength is the failure criteria for the Ductile Material
Ultimate Strength is the failure criteria for Brittle Material also Ductile Material

For Static Load;

Endurance Limit is the failure criteria.


Material will not permits any deformation and goes to fractures ultimate strength will be the failure strength.


  • Case-1: When a material does not undergo permanent deformation or is under the elastic limit, yield strength will be the failure strength.
  • Case-1I: When Material undergo permanent deformation, ultimate strength will be the failure strength.

Chapter-1-Introductionn to Strength of Material (SOM)

Introduction to Strength of Material (SOM)-Mechanics of Deformable body

Strength of Material :-

It is study of internal resisting force developed due to elastic deformation of a body under the action of load.
Assumption made in Strength of Material Equation:-
  1. Material is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic.
  2. Component is assumed to be prismatic.
  3. Load is assumed as static load
  4. Effect of self weight is neglected. 

Static Load:- 

When magnitude and direction is constant with respect to time.


All dimension are constant or same throughout the structure.


Material is said it be isotropic, when it exhibit same elastic property at a point in a given direction.


Material is said it be isotropic, when it exhibit same elastic properties in any direction at a given point.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Hi Every one welcome to my engineering blog.I am glad to introduce that we are starting new video series  fully dedicated to FEA and CAE field . Manly we will cover some journal topics based on  Hypermesh and Ansys Workbench software with theoretical concept.Hopeing that you will support the chnanel.

Soon I will provide the youtube channel details.

Keep Supporting. Thank you !!!!!!!

Monday 1 January 2018

Thin walled Pressure vessel Concept

Thin walled Pressure vessel:-

What is pressure Vessel?

Pressure vessel is defined as closed cylindrical or spherical container which is designed to hold or to store fluids at pressure substantially different from ambient pressure.

Classification of Pressure Vessel.

1.based on d/t ratio:-

1.Pressure vessel whose d/t ratio is greater than 20 units, such type of vessel is categorized to Thin walled pressure vessel (d/t 20).
Ex. Boiler shell, LPG cylinder pressure cooker, storage tank 
terminology in pressure vessel

2.  Pressure vessel whose d/t ratio is less than 20 units, such type is called as Thick walled pressure vessel (d/t 20).
Ex. Hydraulic cylinder, gun Barrel, Storage tank under high pressure

2. Based on Shape of shell

1.   Cylindrical pressure vessel
2.   Spherical pressure vessel

DO comment !!!!!!

1.Why Spherical vessel better then cylindrical pressure vessel?
2.Which vessel we should used for safety purpose?
3.Which vessel we should used, keeping manufacturing cost in  mind?

Bursting of  pressure vessel occurs circumferential. 


At particular pressure, when longitudinal stress in thin walled pressure vessel is greater than ultimate strength, circumferential bursting occurs in pressure vessel.

σL> sut

longitudinal stress

FF= D2 P)/4-------------------------------i

FR= σLxπ𝐷x𝑡--------------------------ii

D2 P)/4 = σLxπ𝐷x𝑡

σL= σ2= σlongitudinal = pd/4t = σ1/2

Bursting of  pressure vessel occurs longitudinally.



At particular pressure, when Hoops stress in thin walled pressure vessel is greater than ultimate strength, bursting occurs longitudinally in pressure vessel.

σh> sut
FF = 2xF
hoops  stress diagram

FF= PxLxD-------------------------------i
FR= 2xσhxLxt--------------------------ii
PxLxD= 2xσhxLxt 

σh = σ1 = σhoop = pd/2t

Thin pressure vessel can be considered bi axial state of stress (due to longitudinal stress).

Bi axial state of stress diagram

σ1 = σhoop = pd/2t

σ2 = σlongitudinal = pd/4t = σ1/2

In plane τmax

=(σ12)/2 = pd/8t

Absolute τmax

=σ1/2 = pd/4t

Strain stress

Major principal strain 

ε1hoop= δD/D----------i

ε1= 1/E [σ1-μσ2]-----ii

σ2 = pd/4t = σ1/2

Equating i & ii

εh=δD/D=σ1/2E x[2-μ]

εh =pd/4tEx[2-μ]


Minor principal strain

  ε2=ε longitudinal= δL/L----------i

ε2= 1/E [σ2-μσ1]-------------ii

σ2 = pd/4t = σ1/2

Equating i & ii

 εL=δL/L=σ1/2E x[1-]

εL = pd/4tEx[1-2μ]

Volumetric strain


Thickness of the shell

Safe condition of design (σ max⁡)ind ≤(σt )per

σ hoop⁡ ≤(σt )per 

σ hoopcylindrical=pd/2t  ≤ (σt )per

σ hoop⁡ spherical=pd/4t  ≤ (σt )per 

Thin C.P.V

According to failure theory (MPST,MSST)

PD/2t= ≤(σt )per

t PD/2(σt)per+corrosion Added

Thin S.P.V

According to failure theory (MPST,MSST,MDET)

PD/4t= ≤(σt )per

t ≥PD/4(σt)per+corrosion Added

Refer Static Structure Analysis for thin Pressure Vessel in Ansys for better understanding .

Static Structure analysis of Pressure vessel in Ansys